Local Outcome Improvement Plan

The Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 7 July 2021 approved a refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) 2016-26.

Following an extensive development process,  which started with the revised Aberdeen City Population Needs Assessment (PNA) for 2021 the CPA Board on 7 July 2021 approved the refreshed LOIP.

A place where all people can prosper“– remains our collective vision for Aberdeen. Regardless of their background or circumstance, everyone in our great city should enjoy the same opportunities to flourish as an individual. The Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) sets out the means for achieving this. 


View our LOIP in summary document for a short, easy read version of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26.

Current LOIP as approved in July 2021
Refreshed LOIP Consultation Version February 2024


Since 2016, Community Planning Aberdeen has made significant progress in creating the conditions for change which enable partners to work more effectively together. In response to feedback gathered from the CPA Board during a session facilitated by the Improvement Service in April 2021; and from a feedback exercise conducted with Project Leads in March 2021, this Development Plan was approved by the CPA Board on 7 July 2021.

The Plan includes five themes for improvement under which actions have been identified to provide cross cutting support to colleagues across the Partnership in the delivery of the LOIP and underpinning Locality Plans.