LOIP - Improvement Stories

Making Aberdeen a Place Where All People Can Prosper:
Our Improvement Stories


The vision within our Local Outcome Improvement Plan is for Aberdeen being a place where all people can prosper, regardless of their circumstances. We have 74 improvement aims to help us achieve that vision. Here you can see our progress with achieving our 74 improvement aims, as well as being able to read about some of our projects; their achievements and the impact on our communities from the videos and case studies below. Visit our improvement project dashboard for further detail on all of our live projects. 

LOIP Videos

Project End Reports

Improvement Case Studies

LOIP 2016-2026

View our LOIP video to hear about our vision for Aberdeen as a place where all people can prosper. 


If a friend, family member or colleague told you they had suicidal feelings, would you be worried about saying or doing the right thing?

Our multi agency project led by  Police Scotland wanted this to reach you all. We wanted you to know, you can help. This short video, as well as the two documents below explain what you can do. 

You can also access the Prevent Suicide – North East Scotland App on the Google Play or Apple Store. The App is local to the North East.

Community Pantries

Hear more about how our community pantries are increasing access to affordable food.

20 of our LOIP improvement aims have ended with their improvement aims been achieved and sustained. Read about the outcomes achieved in the project end reports below.

1.1 Increase the number of people using community pantries by 20% by 2023.

1.4 Increase support for those who have been most disadvantaged through the pandemic by 2023.

1.6 To increase the uptake of unclaimed benefits across Aberdeen City by 10% to support people claim the benefits they’re entitled to

2.1 Increase employer sign up to the Real Living Wage by 5% year on year to 2023 to achieve Real Living Wage City Status by 2026

2.2 Supporting 50 people to start a business in Aberdeen who will be coming off the benefits system or significantly reducing their benefits through starting a business by 2023 and 100 by 2026.

2.3 To support 15 care experienced young people progress to employment through public sector funded employability programmes by 2023

2.4 Support 50 people into sustained, good quality employment by 2023, and 100 by 2026, with a particular focus on; those from priority neighbourhoods and people over 50.

3.1 To increase the number of responsible businesses working with Community Planning Aberdeen through Community Benefits and CSR activity by 200% by 2023

3.2 To increase by 10% the number of people in Aberdeen who have digital access and feel comfortable using digital tools

3.3 Increase the number of people within Aberdeen City qualified with ICT and Digital skills at SCQF Levels 7 and above by 10% by 2023

3.4 To Increase the number of Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships by 5% by 2022

3.5 80% of young people will successfully complete their Modern Apprenticeship programme by 2022

4.1 To reduce the number of births affected by drugs by 0.6 %, by 2022

4.2 To reduce the number of repeat emergency hospital admissions for unintentional injury to children under 5 years by 5% by 2023

4.3 To increase uptake of parenting & family support by 10%

4.4 To reduce the number of children starting Primary 1 in Aberdeen City with an identified speech delay by 5% by August 2023

5.1 Increase to 80%, the number of staff who feel confident about how to directly support, or refer a child for support, and signpost to appropriate services by 2022

5.2 To Increase by 80% the use of digital resources for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing by 2022 and to Increase by 40% the use of the wellbeing scenario on the Mind Of My Own app by care experienced children and young people by 2022.

5.3 100% of schools offer sustainable and equitable access to counselling for those children aged 10 and above who require it by 2022.

5.4 100% of children and young people have free access to physical activity which improves mental health and wellbeing by 2022.

6.1 To Increase the number of care experienced young people accessing a positive and sustained destination by 25% by 2022

6.2 To increase to 43%, by 2023, the proportion of children and young people who are supported to live in kinship care or are looked after at home; and to Increase by 20% the number of children and young people remaining in a placement, looked after at home/kinship, between 16-18 years old by 2023

7.1 Increase the number of accredited courses directly associated with growth areas by 7% by 2023.

7.3 To increase the number of young people leaving school with a minimum of SCQF Level 3 in literacy and numeracy and 4 other qualifications to 93% by 2023

9.1 To: Reduce the number of 16/17 year olds with higher support needs offending by 2022 and to Increase number of young people who need support in relation to trauma and bereavement having access to such support by 50% by 2023

9.2 To reduce by 10% both the number of offences of sexual or criminal exploitation and the number of ‘digital’ offences by Young People (Under 18) by 2022

9.3 Increase by 10% the number of young people (16-17 year olds) who are jointly reported to SCRA and COPFS who are offered robust alternatives to entering the statutory system by 2022

9.4 To reduce instances of public space youth anti-social behaviour as a result of appropriate and effective interventions in targeted areas by 10% by 2022

9.5 To increase by 50% the number of 10 to 16 year olds in target areas of the city who access youth community activity by 2023

10.1 Increase by 10% those individuals, aged 21+ and not subject to statutory throughcare arrangements, who access support services upon release from HMP Grampian by 2022.

10.2 Increase to 30 in total, the number of individuals who are on a custodial sentence, on a Community Payback Order with a Supervision Requirement, on Unpaid Work Orders, on Remand or who have been Diverted from Prosecution who are being supported to make progress on the Employability Pipeline by September 2022.

10.3 To reduce the number of wilful fires by 10% by 2022

10.4 100% increase in hate crimes reported to police by 2023 (February 2021-October 2023).

10.5: Decrease the number of incidents of domestic abuse reported to the Police by 15% by 2023.

10.6: Increase by 15% victims of domestic abuse receiving support by November 2022

10.7 To increase by 10% the number of clients who access assessment/support/ treatment/services in relation to mental health issues: – in Police custody – on a community disposal – in HMP Grampian, by 2023

10.8 Reduce the number of drug related deaths occurring within 6 months of liberation from custody from 10 to zero by 2023. 

11.1 Reduce the rolling 3-year average number of suicides in Aberdeen to below 26 by 2023.

11.2 To increase opportunities11.1 Reduce the rolling 3-year average number of suicides in Aberdeen to below 26 by 2023. for people to increase their contribution (volunteering) to communities by 10% by 2023

11.3 Support 100 people to feel confident to promote wellbeing and good health choices by 2023.

11.4 Reduce tobacco smoking by 5% overall by 2023

11.6 Increase the number of unpaid carers feeling supported by 10% by 2023. 

11.7 To support up to 50 low income families in priority neighbourhood to improve eating behaviours and adopt positive lifestyle choices to help towards a healthy weight by 2023.

11.8Refer 20% of people living with COPD or other respiratory conditions into specific PR physical activity and other support programmes delivered in community settings by 2023.  

12.1: 100% of vulnerable young people, who are at-risk of developing problem substance use, have access to evidence-based Prevention & Early Intervention

12.2 To decrease the number of 13 and 15 year olds who have reported using substances in Aberdeen to below the national average by 2023, through curriculum delivery and a whole population approach 

12.3 Increase % of the population who feel informed about using alcohol responsibly and Increase by 10% the percentage of adults in Aberdeen City who are non-drinkers or drink alcohol in a low risk way by 2023

12.4 To increase the number of alcohol brief interventions delivered by Primary Care providers and other professionals to above levels achieved in 17/18 by 2023

12.5 To increase the uptake of alcohol treatment by improving access to alcohol services and ensuring they are local, integrated and targets areas of greatest need by 10% year on year by 2023

12.6 Reduce the incidence of fatal drug overdose through innovative developments and by increasing the distribution of naloxone by 10% year on year by 2022. 

12.7 Increase opportunities for individuals who have been at risk of Blood Borne Viruses, being tested and accessing treatment by 2023. 

12.8 To increase uptake of drug treatment and specifically within Locality Areas by 10% each year by 2023

Click below to read our various case studies. Each case study tells the story of the project – the changes they’ve tested, as well as the outcomes and impact to date.